Preparation of more than three months of traveling and fly fishing New
Zealand SI and NI should be a delight. Anticipation, worries, thrill, excitement,
doubts, dreams with an increasing chance to be realized - all that stuff. Used
to travel for longer periods of time this should be routine for us. But no, it
is not. It is more or less some kind of structured chaos. To Do and "To
Order" lists, research, reading, gathering information all this filed the
last month and especially the last weeks. But whom do I tell that? You most
likely know that.
But this time it will be different as we are going to travel three of us.
Tobias our young son will accompany us. Most likely this will be great joy and challenge
at the same time. But besides that we owe him this trip.
Since a couple of weeks the three most important items are ready: flight
tickets (as the BC award tickets once more did not work out - different story),
visa for NZ as we are staying more than 90 days and the family fishing license.
All set and ready to go! No not close but we are making progress.
The most complicate part was setting up this blog as this modern blogging
style crap is much more complicate, but at the same time leaves much less freedom
and flexibility in terms of layout, than direct html-coding as done during our NorthAmerica trip 2001/2002 documented in our classic Travelogue. So please be
forgiving in terms of gimmicks and design. This blog will grow and develop.
Happy trails and reading to all of you!