Tsimane is nothing for the unfit jelly belly fly fisher. Such an "out of the office"-fisherman nevertheless will catch, but the fun and success might be slightly reduced. Still he or she might have the best fishing trip ever. Thus bring the best fitness you can develop, be aware that the days are hot and sunny and cool when it rains. Fitnes will add to your enjoyment of your trip and success fishing. Bring clothes to fully cover you, always long sleeve, sunscreen and buck repellant. Bucks are not bad but you should avoid bites whenever possible. You will wade in stony slippery sections or deep water.
Be prepared – do your homework! The jungle is rather friendly during the fishing season but a mistake might not be good. The only real “danger” out here are sting rays, your guide will tell you how to avoid them.
Second day from Asunta we went downriver Secure. A total different river, semi clear, wide, low at times, sand bars, casting mainly from the drifting boat very close to structure (logs, dead trees in the river, to the shore or in rapids) and sometimes even in (!) structure. Casting and casting again. Streamer fishing – that is not sight casting to big trout. If there is action, that kind of fishing keeps you motivated, if not, it can be very boring as the water is milk coffee and you kind of blind fish. Still here at Secure you always have the chance that a golden flash appears behind your fly, the water explodes and you get solid hook up with a +15lbs Dorado. Every cast should be fished with alert and motivation.
Fishing was ok again. Nothing special, we caught our share of fish and had fun fishing together. Somehow this week seemed to be kind of slow. Hernan and Alexis fished upper Secure that day and got some good shots and success on Pacu and a couple of good sized dorados. It is kind of a mixed bag, there are days and weeks where you have more or less luck.
I could write long
essays about the nature and the amazing place Tsimane is – but instead: just enjoy the
pictures and start to dream about that place. If you are interested in Jungel fishing or Dorado or just want to fish for the most aggressive freshwater predator: set up your trip as soon as possible. I will save further praises and text for another time.
Somehow I managed to pick up a minor virus or something, thus I did not feel overly well. This reminds to stay clean and take care while you are traveling in such locations. Take care with the food, temperature and wash your hands.
Somehow I managed to pick up a minor virus or something, thus I did not feel overly well. This reminds to stay clean and take care while you are traveling in such locations. Take care with the food, temperature and wash your hands.

Appetizers or finger
food before dinner is a nice tradition at Tsimane. Before dinner the guests and
guides sit together after their days fishing and chat about the adventures of
the day. Have a drink (free bar at Tsimane lodges), have something to eat and
look forward for the dinner a head. In 2012 these appetizers were of high
variety and phantasy, in the meantime the observed complexity was reduced but
taste and amount is still plentiful.
Next day would be the last half day fishing from Asunta. After that we would relocate to Aqua Negra Lodge for the second half of the week. We had highly anticipated plans for the next days!