Let’s start with the
last. As it is a good introduction that traveling demands flexibility of your
mind. Things might not work out as planed or as dreamed of for the long month before. I will start with the
flooding of the river, with the last minute change of plans just in time before we were
about to start a two night headwater exploration to a remote creek of the system. We are Chris (my fishing
partner from Eugene, Oregon), our guide Luciano and I. All three of us were
mega keen to do that headwater camp as fishing up there is said to be awesome
as long as you are very fit, fearless and a seasoned fly fisher.
Last night, four days
in the adventure here at Tsimane (Bolivia), after boating down Secure river
from Asunta Lodge and arriving at Aqua Negra Lodge, a significant thunderstorm
with around three hours of heavy rain hit the whole catchment of Secure river
and its tributaries. Not a good situation in the rain forest as rain mostly
means a lot of rain. The rain ended around six in the morning but right now around
12 hours later the river is still rising. The peak of flow might be close - hoepfully. All
of our group of six could not fish today and we had to postpone our campout
tramping plan. Painfully showing that rivers can be blown without mercy and
river levels do not consider your selfish fishing plans. Keep fingers crossed that the peak is close and water levels will drop soon...
A day off at the
lodge, reading, chatting, relaxing, writing. Fishing would be much more
Enjoy every day and
moment on the river with good water levels; you might not have one the next

This place is outstanding,
unique in a very special way. The fish, the location, the jungle, the setting,
the people – just unique! A lot was already written about that place and it is
truly magic.
My preparation for
that trip started a year ago as an agent I am in contact with since 11 years –
Daniel Beilinson - offered me a special hosted trip a year ago and I had
instantly to say “Yes I go!”
A couple of month ago
the idea came to my mind to combine Tsimane with the new fishing venue of
Untamed: Rio Marie in Brazil. A live on board based operation close to the
Columbian boarder on a remote tributary of the Amazon in pursuit of Giant
Peacock Bass beyond the magical mark of 20lbs.
After some back and
force discussion with my Brazilian friend Breno that idea came to birth and was
not just an idea but a plan: the ULTIAMET JUNGLE BLAST was born! The combination of two or even three excellent locations in a single trip. For all fly fanatics with more than just two weeks of vacation per year that will be the way of future trips: combination of several top destinations in one trip. If you are about to spoil yourself why shouldn't you add some extra spoil?
With Untamed exactly that is possible.
With Untamed exactly that is possible.
Some annotation for
readers that are not used to my travelogue aka blog. I try to describe fly
fishing adventures from my subjective perspective providing honest first-hand
information for the interested reader as well as for my private memories.
Background information, humorous annotations combined with “do not take
anything to serious” but be still critical and reflect.
If you have questions
of any kind (tackle, background, booking, advice, …)? Contact me. If you like
what you read: share it via social media and tell your fishing buddies!
Happy reading, happy trails and Tight Lines!
Happy reading, happy trails and Tight Lines!