Reefton with a totally silent car – WOW! I thought that a car of some years of age
has to have some sound – but ours again was totally silent. No it was really
hard not to go much too fast!
What I
totally had wrong in in my memories: Murchison is much smaller compared to
Reefton and much less hospital to the Tourist. I would even say: Reefton has at
least a bit of appeal. In Murchison this is much less present. But both
villages offer some good fishing if you hit it right.
around Murchison meant two unbelievable disappointing days without fish. First
day fishing the main river south of Murchison some kilometers below a stretch
where I had a double double digit day three years ago with Scott Murray. I
might have seen one fish. On the way out over the paddocks (as usual I asked
for permission before) I ran into a couple driving up the valley. We briefly
chatted about fishing access. I relocated to a medium stream not far away,
found a way to enter the semi gorge and had massive problems with the spotting:
overcast as the whole day, gorge type river section, dark river bottom and
slightly brownish water. I saw fish but all pretty much too late. And I did not
want to blind-fish. I fished a much longer stretch than planed and had to walk
back a boring road. Arriving back at the accommodation I was surprised to see
the couple I talked to on the first river to be our very neighbors: a friendly
couple from Australia.
was a hard test for me to finally spot some fish but unable to catch them. At
least we were out in a nice landscape. I quit and we went back rather early to knock
on the door of Scotty and Leya to say hello. And to pet the lovely
mouse-feasting cat Jasmine. We had a quick beer together, exchanged some news,
had some fish talk with their South African clients and headed off to our funny
flat. This time Murchison did not provide any luck. It was so depressing, that
I did not even take pictures of anything else besides some cows chewing grass.
After three nights in Murchison we went again east towards the West Coast and
further towards Karamea. Where we made arrangements well ahead of time for a
nice accommodation for Ines and Tobias and some fish-fun for Florian (4F!)...
learned: NZ is not always happy fishing.
(In case you wondered about the pictures: all are related to the week in Reefton)
- Check out the new pages "Clips" with footage/videos and "How to" in case you plan a trip to NZ
- The information / newsletter function on updates did work so badly that I removed it. Unfortunately Blogger does not offer a better solution, so please come back once in a while to check for updates.