Tuesday we
packed everything for the relocation and went on a winery and Nelson area tour.
Visiting Höglund Glas (as usual), Kahurangi (surprisingly good wines), Neudorf
(as usual, for lunch cheese or bring your own picnic in the garden, I still do
not like their wines so much) and Woollaston (they would have offered a nice
platter as lunch in a very nice setting with good wines – recommendation!). We
unfortunately did not know about the lunch option and Wollerstone and had some
greasy sandwich in the oldest pub of NZ and some so so cheese at Neudorf.
afternoon we relocated to our home of the following days: Avocado Apartment at
Cleveland Terrace. An apartment that offered not just a very nice view over
Nelson and the sea, quiet location, fully equipped nice kitchen, an orchard with fruits and vegetables to be
consumed and a quality of building that we did not see often. The very friendly
owners gave us a glass of absolutely delicious honey and a bunch of fruits to.
At that point we did not yet know for how many days we would call that
apartment home. Unfortunatly the avocados were far from ripe or ready to be harvested.
One of the better restaurants in Nelson is the Hopgood’s, thus
my idea was to go there, have a nice dinner and share this evening with Mike
and his wife Nans. Mike the fishing guide pretty much introduced us to the NZ
style of fishing three years ago. We were happy that his wife could finally
join us and we had a nice evening with lots of fish talk. It was good to see
him again and that there was no need to take care of the dishes afterwards.
Rain in the
night and rain in the morning called for a very relaxed 3rd of April
of writing, editing pictures and shopping in the afternoon. Nothing more,
nothing less. Most of the rivers might have been still good fishing till around
early afternoon, but I did not feel the urge to go out in that downpour.
Ines and Tobias went to the center of New Zealand which was just some kilometers
away, they continued via the Founders park, the Japanese gardens and back through
the shopping parcours. I set up my fishing parcours as I had the idea to fish
the river at the Rainbow Road (after getting the key from the station) that was still a little high and colored. Just
saw and spooked very few trout in the silty water, fished two or three spots
and finally decided to drive up all the way to of its major tributaries. There
in the junction pool I hooked one fish on a fly not to be mentioned (neither
dry nor nymph) and saw a dolphin taking a fly from the surface (looked like it
was rolling) that left me with open mouth. This dolphin was either a huge trout
of something ++10lbs or a very brown salmon. The sun was already close to the
mountain’s ridge so I rushed up the river but did not spot any reachable fish. Too
bad, should have gone there right from the beginning. No fish this sunny day
but still a nice trip up that valley we drove down a few days ago in rain. I
did not expect to be back so soon. The two upper sections look promising and
even the fished stretch of the morning should be good on an according day. Driving
back over the dirt road, opening and closing various gates, crossing streams
and finally arriving at the paved road towards Nelson took quiet some while.
For dinner
we met a friend that I talked into New Zealand last summer. At first she just
wanted to travel New Zealand for some month after graduation but she ended up
to be a guide and finally the junior manager of a horse tracking business up on
the very north tip of the SI. She extended here stay in NZ several times - might
be my talking was good to start this.
outlined planed was to fish two rivers, one for a campout and the other with
rough 4WD track access and a night at a hut. It was time for some serious
fishing again, I was hungry for some bush bashing and river walking! I was
looking very forward for that and a couple of nights of solid sleep.
Ines and Tobias alone was acceptable for them as Nelson is a real gem and
lovely village. Everything on hand, a nice apartment and relatively good
weather announced. Nelson would definitely be one of the places to consider if relocation
to New Zealand would be a serious option.