It was semi-eco. It started off with a lady at
DOC in Takaka I asked about possible Didymo in a certain river (as the main
river had) and any restrictions related, but she had absolutely no clue about
it. Then there was a lady outside of DOC protesting and collecting supporters
against the budget cut of DOC of about 5 million NZ$. But she could not answer
the question what the total budget of DOC was at all, so if 5 million might be percent
wise much less than other organizations where facing or if it was substantial at
all or could be saved by using less paper. And finally and third there was a
lady which looked very strange at us as we asked here to heat the wrap we choose
for lunch for 10 seconds in the microwave (the wrap was chilled). She replied “You
can’t heat lettuce!” I was done with that village, let’s get out of here before
I get mad.
continued towards the Pupu springs. A significant spring feeding a spring creek
with very pure and clear water. One of the clearest springs in the whole
southern hemisphere.
Later on
our ways separated, Ines and Tobias went for the Pohara Beach and I went to
fish that spring creek. My story is told quickly: perfectly looking creek, difficult
access (farmers sending you somewhere upstream to walk all the way downstream over
paddocks), only one fish spotted, very slippery ground that made me not just to
dip but literally to swim with the rod in my hand. Thanks again to the
watertight patagonia back pack. I finished this creek without a single
In the
meantime Ines and Tobias did spend a few hours on the sandy beach. After a
while the wind increased and they headed for shelter at the local playground
and the local cafes. I quit my excursion rather early so it took some local
investigation and just a short search to find them hiding in a cafe.
That was
Golden Bay – we went back over the hill to our nice apartment in Nelson.
Some days
ago we had the idea to spend a few days over in Golden Bay. But it turned out
that decent cottages where unavailable or unattractive due to unacceptable
rental conditions (such as no linen or change of rental fee). And after these
hours over there we came to the conclusion that it was not the worst to stay in
Nelson. Besides that I can only recommend to do some hiking or better freedom
sea kayaking in the Abel Tasman NP. We did the last two years ago.
We finally
had to leave Nelson. After ten days. All of us where a little bit sad. We went
over to Picton / Waikawa Bay towards a huge cottage we booked to celebrate Tobias first
birthday the next day - the perfect place for a family (huge living room, balcony, kitchen, lots of rooms and space). But before that we headed towards Blenheim. One of the
most important winery areas of SI. On the bottle this area is called
Three wineries had the pleasure to be visited by us: Wairau (decent), Hans Herzog (of whom we
bought a 2003 red CabSauv something – to the date of writing not yet drunk. Modern
Swiss origin, highly quality oriented) and Fromm (where the wine did not meet
our taste but the traditional preparation of the mash was happening – barefoot kicking
of the crapes).
first birthday was approaching (13th of April). Sure he did not yet
realize what happened but his parents prepared a cake with candles (that made
him frighten) and some presents including a very typical NZ toy: a Buzzy
Bee. A Buzzy Bee is a wooden bee to drag behind, that turns its wings and makes
a buzzing sound. He loved it and immediately gave it a good play on the large balcony.
An his parents loved that he loved and them loved him because of love. Got it?
Besides that he got his first shoes and a book.
afternoon I wanted to catch the very last trout of SI. I knew about a creek
close to Blenheim in the middle of the wineries. Access with all these creeks
in urban area is a little bit limited most of the time. I found some access
from a bridge walking upstream. I started as usual, trying to get in the water,
I got some water in my waders as this was one of the creeks that was bathtub
shaped, thus 1,5meters in depth right next to the bank. Walking the creek
upstream through the vine and the apple trees I spotted a view fish in that
typical weedy spring creek. If memory does not cheat I most likely caught the
last fish of SI in that creek. A rainbow around 2-3lbs. nothing of particular
interest – just the last fish on SI (But as usual there are supposed to be much bigger fish in that creek - typical for spring creeks - the large trouts only come out to feed late or early). That is what fascinates me about guides
memorizing fish, fly and circumstances. As stated I have problems to memorize
the fish caught one day ago. On the way back I could not resist to pick up an
apple from the ground. It tasted very sweet and juicy, I had to get two more
for Ines and Tobias. All three from the ground, thus windfall.
Ines and
Tobias in the meantime went to the Blenheim swimming pool. Where they got free
entrance as it was Tobias birthday – thank you Blenheim!
Our time on
the South Island of New Zealand was coming to an end. The next day we would
have to leave the South Island to go over to the North Island (NI). I was
afraid of that plan and was not promoting it. Let’s see what NI has to offer?
PS: at the time of writing we/I have the second bottle on this trip of Wild Earth Pinot Noir 2009 - by far the best and most interesting Pinot we had - it was accompanied by plenty of lamb chops this night on Coromandl... the last lamb chops of this trip : (